Thursday, June 5, 2008

MOAFS 1.2 and 1.3 all together as one

The mother of all fish stocks has had two incarnations so far. And it's waiting on it's third life.

So I'm working yesterday.... It wasn't a particularly busy day but during the tour of duty, I received a few messages from FoodMuse. The timing wasn't quite right. I always seemed to be tied up doing something when the messages arrived. At some point later in the afternoon I receive a critical message, "Call me ASAP. It's about the MOAF."

Like a new father, I interrupt whatever it was I was doing at the time, I don't recall what it was really, it may have been CPR but honestly, I don't recall.

"What happened? Did she soil her first diaper? Did she say daddy or mommy?"

It really wasn't all that spectacular. The question was, "should I put the fish meat back into the stew?" Whew, was I relieved. I thought she had fallen down and gone boom. No, not FoodMuse. The freaking MOAFS.

It was decided to forego adding the fishmeat back into the stew. After all, we had already gently simmered all the flavor out of it anyway. FoodMuse told me she had added a few more things to the pot. Potatoes, shrimp, parsnips, carrots, tomatoes, and few other forgotten ingredients eventually made there way in. Suddenly, I had a new found respect for the proverbial Pavlovian response. Wiping the salivate from my chin I told FoodMuse I trusted her judgment. Hey, we're in this deep already right?

So it was with this brief incarnation of the MOAFS. What was once a beautiful stock had grown into a lovely little stew.

And then this evening, she remade herself. I'm beginning to think the MOAFS should be renamed in Joan "this face has seen more knives than a Benihana" Rivers. I love that line.

Now the MOAFS has reincarnated once again into a most spectacular something-I'm-not-sure-what-to-call-it. The remodel was pretty easy. Toss in some chorizo, ladle out most of the solids and give them the blender treatment, pour back in and look what you have a MOAFS 1.3. Oh, almost forgot, there was also the beautiful flakes of coconut. Voila!
Served alongside a rustic five-grain bread and we called it a meal.

The MOAFS will endure one more incarnation and then I think it's on to bed for her. FoodMuse's friend is having a little something on Friday (tomorrow). We'll make a bouillabaise something or other by tossing in some fresh chunks of whatever seafood we can find and call it a day. The MOAFS has been fun. Something we'll certainly revisit when the opportunity presents itself again. Which I hope is soon.

Bon Appetit y'all.

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